Basic Bike Setup
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: £75
Ideal for: Recreational cyclists riding 1-2 x per week (<30 miles)
Cleat Position (fore, aft, lateral adjustment and float)
Sit Bone Analysis
Contact Point Adjustment (saddle, bars & shifters)
This level of service is not available for TT bikes due to the complexity of fitting required and time constraints.
Retül Fit
Duration: 2-3 hours Cost: £200*
Ideal for: Every level of cyclist looking to reduce injury risk and improve comfort and efficiency
Detailed pre-fit rider interview, including previous/current injuries and rider’s aims of the fit
Comprehensive Physiological Assessment of the rider’s function and flexibility, essential to ensure we are able to provide a personalised position
Cleat Position/Optimisation (fore, aft, lateral adjustment and float)
Foot Correction (forefoot/cleat wedges/lifts)
Digital Sit Bone Analysis
Contact Point Adjustment (saddle, bars & shifters)
Retül 3D Motion Capture Analysis
Post fit report detailing the full process and recommendations
Corrective exercises if required
30 minute review within 3 months of original fit
*We support local clubs by offering members a reduced rate.
Retül Custom Molded Footbeds
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: £105*
Ideal for: Optimal foot stability and comfort
Includes: Cleat placement, custom footbeds
*Custom footbeds are £55 when purchased within a Retül Fit